Our Advanced Aesthetics treatments utilize the most cutting-edge skin care anti-aging technologies to cleanse, repair and stimulate your skin; improving your overall skin health, texture, tone, hydration and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
The Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber Treatment
Using a machine that emits high-frequency sonic waves, ultrasonic facial treatments cleanse, repair and stimulate the skin. The ultrasonic facial is a medically proven treatment that uses ultrasound to loosen and remove dead skin cells and restores the natural electrical charge to cells.

Radio Frequency Treatment:
The RF Treatment is very effective for loose skin and wrinkles. It rejuvenates the skin. It increases the tissue-oxygen supply, accelerating cell metabolism, and stimulating collagen regeneration, elastin, and hyaluronic acid-one. This treatment naturally lifts skin and creates a tighter, stronger, and more appealing look.
The effects of RF Therapy:
- Decrease in deep wrinkles
- Reduction of manifestations of scars and stretch marks
- Recovery and strengthening of facial skin
- Stimulation of skin cells renewal
- Improvement of microcirculation and face color
- Visible skin tightening, improvement of skin elasticity
- Improvement of skin toning
- No irritation or skin flushing after procedure
- Active care of loose, atonic skin
- Procedure for the perfect event looking

Needle-Free Mesotherapy (Electroporation)
This newly developed innovative technique, combines electroporation and electrophoresis. It stimulates the function of fibroblasts (collagen cells) for improved skin tone and wrinkle reduction. Additionally, this technique encourages microcirculation for reduced water retention, improved cell nourishment and detoxification. The result is have more youthful and healthy skin.
Oxygen Infusion
Hydrate thirsty skin and minimize fine lines and wrinkles with the stimulating power of OXYGEN; this is the perfect pick for environmentally damaged or dehydrated skin. Our specialty serum infused oxygen treatment boosts skin’s vitality and increases absorption of vitamins and nutrients.

Cold Therapy
It accelerates blood circulation and improves metabolic processes. It is applied specifically for skin mollification after a procedures. Low temperature works against the in-harmonious vibrations of cells. Using it can help to properly balance skin tone. Additionally, cold therapy can be used to close the pores after facial cleansing.